I joined Twitter 45 minutes ago!!!!! ..............
(Can someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do with it bearing in mind that my poor little brain is still trying to grasp this entire other universe out there called the Blogoshere that I didn't know existed until last week; if Twitter is in yet another universe, I fear the enormity of the concept will cause my head to fly off and explode mid-air (in this universe) making everyone who gets splatted with its remains think it is an an incredibly realistic, maybe even overly realistic, gory Halloween gag. In other words, keep it simple ....please?)
You are going to love twitter. I will have to follow you. I will follow you for this too. Congrats. Welcome to the new media! (I am flailing around too).
I'm 30 years old and I don't have a clue about what is twitter. I know is popular but I don't know what it is. So I don't feel bad anymore, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Pau! I won't feel bad anymore thanks to you. PS--it's been a week since you left your comment and I'm still clueless!!
I am not on Twitter. I did join FB 2 years ago, but that only lasted for 2 months (BTW, I only have 3 friends to your 75 - but I found FB to not be meaningful in anyway to me).
Yeah me too--good way to put it, "not meaningful". Since I started blogging, I am losing interest in FB more & more every day.
And Twitter? Hasn't taken off YET. Don't know if it ever will with me. Guess time will tell. 5, 6, 7 years ago? I didn't "get" texting. Now, I'm a texting maniac ...
I found I could only "poke" people so many times before it lost its charm (same with throwing a fish / chair / apple / biting / kicking / etc).
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