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Sunday, January 3, 2010


Favorite Blog-Award!!

Thanks Kimberly, one of my favo bloggers, for giving me an award!  I'm thrilled to pieces!!  I am supposed to list Ten Favorite Things and Ten Favorite Bloggers.  Fun!!!  What a great way to start 2010--mulling over favorite things.  Ok, here goes, neither list in any particular order:

Ten Favorite Things

1 .....Thing One and Thing Two of course!

Christmas Picture 2009--love those two nuts in santa hats!

Christmas Picture 2005--interesting study in contrast!

2 ......Steve, genius, bass-player boyfriend!

Nice hands ......just sayin'

3 .....on my first visit to San Francisco (where Steve lives), we were running errands in the city when he told me to close my eyes.  I could feel him pull the car to the curb and park--then he told me to open my eyes!  Now, at this point, I had seen all the major SF landmarks.  As I'm sure you know San Francisco is an absurdly beautiful, vividly alive city.  And I know this sounds stupid-dramatic but I immediately loved San Francisco with all my heart.  As most of you know too, I am a mostly unpublished poet, so far, but I am a poet nonetheless.  So when I opened my eyes, I was simultaneously stunned at his thoughtfulness and at my shocking lack of inquiring mind for this infamous SF landmark--since I had just six months prior submitted a paper about one of my top-poet idols who literally haunted this place and set the stage for the famous beat poets!  (Kenneth Rexroth--we shall talk about him later)  Why hadn't I thought of City Lights Books??  And truly, how dear it was that Steve had!!! 

Note the banners ......picture taken shortly after the "Mission Accomplished" debacle
hee, hee

Note Steve ....incessantly on phone booking gigs and ......
Vesuvio's (yellow) next door to City Lights where the Beats would drink themselves silly into wee hours of the morning and subsequently write brillz (thanks Josh, lurv this word) poetry

Inside City Lights ......Poetry Room upstairs!

And finally .....nirvana=extremely favorite thing

4 .....the sweet smell of the grass, the sea, and silage (very stinky, fermenting "forage plants" (read "grass") that cows love) on the Sherman's Farm, Whidbey Island, Washington.

Ebey's Prairie
Yes, you may fling my ashes here some very distant day

5 .....going to sleep to the sound of waves on the beach.

listen: YouTube--sleepy sounds of beach waves

6 .....the cutest ferret ever!

I know ....I can't believe I haven't mentioned Puck before!
This is darling Puck, our ferret, who will soon be the subject of my next Cast of Characters post.
Stay tuned!!

7 .....singing in the car.  Ok believe it or not, I have no pictures of myself singing in the car.  But I'm not joking about this ....i LOVE to sing and i LOVE to sing in the car the most!!!  Make this little van white and that is me warbling that tune out the window.  PS--interestingly this adorable quality drives musician-boyfriend crazy!!!!  He swears (he does!) that it's not because I'm a bad singer .....but apparently a friend of his growing up used to sing in the car when Steve's mom & dad were driving and it embarrassed Steve that his friend was singing in front of Steve's parents???  Or some nonsense like that?!

Let me fill you all in on a little secret--professional musicians can be jerks about music to non-professionals.  And weirdly lots of them do not like singers!  Who knew??!!  So I'm really into music and humbly feel that I'm rather hip about it (that just tells you right there that I'm not, but anyway) so it's a bummer when you love music, and your best "instrument" is your voice (I've been singing my head off since I was born), and your professional musician boyfriend can't stand singing!  Especially in the car!!  Which just tells me, the non-professional, that he's missing a music-link somewhere there.  La la la! 

8 .....snow skiing.  I heart snow skiing more than words can describe.  I will just say that I am SO HAPPY when I'm skiing!

From a chair-lift at Snowshoe, West Virginia
(See the moon?)

9 .....Emily Blunt.  My new super-favo actress!!!!  Loved her huge in the most make you laugh--make you cry next, wonderful little movie this year called Sunshine Cleaning  (it's out on DVD now).  And just today!! Saw her in Young Victoria  (if "Trailer" on website doesn't work, try "Video") ..........about Queen Victoria at the beginning of her reign in 1837 and she & Albert's unusually lovely marriage.  Sigh.  Two great movies!!!!  One great actress!! 

Emily Blunt in "Sunshine Cleaning"

Emily Blunt in "Young Victoria"

10 .....Starry night in a clear black sky very far away from civilization. 

There are more stars than you ever knew existed!!!!!!  It makes you feel small.  It makes you feel large.  It makes you feel profound.  It is one of my most favorite things but there's not a picture alive that can do it justice.  Just imagine being outside with no man-made light for miles, in the dark, looking up at the black sky punctuated by zillions of stars .....the sight of which takes your breath away.

Ten (Fifteen!) Favorite Blogs

Oh it's too hard to narrow them to ten .....but these fifteen, so far, are my regular happy reads!

365 Days Of Sun and Terra Del Sole (Thanks again Kimberly for the award!)


that's J-O-S-H said...

You like to sing on your coche, yet you haven't posted a single car karaoke video yet??!?! I suggest you start small and take on Mandy Moore's "Candy." Then, as you become more advanced, songz like Missy Elliott's "Work It," Jennifer Hudson's "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going," the Bloodhound Gang's "The Bad Touch," and anything by Christina Aguilera/Kelly Clarkson/Mariah Carey/talented old peep singaz won't seem nearly as daunting!

Anonymous said...

I love your ten, especially Emily Blunt. Can't wait to see Queen Victoria. Lovely blog.

Tracie said...

Your boys are so handsome! I like your Happy Things.

I hope you have an awesome 2010!

BOSSY said...

Bass player boyfriends are the best kind.

Laurie said...

J-O-S-H: Ummm do I have to have a video recorder? Will take song suggestions under advisement until I hear back about recorder ...

PS I totally wanted to list Fuck You, Penguin as a fave blog but not sure what my lovely readership would think. Am stuck between worlds. Sigh.

Mary: I'm your newest follower. You have the writing-ish life (except for jerk on phone) I'm seeking. How about you go into retirement and I take your job?? Thanks for commenting. You'll LOVE the movie ...

kys: THANK-YOU!! I didn't tell them I put their pictures up yesterday ....they'd kill me especially for the 2005 pic! Cute though, huh?

You should think about making list of happy things. It was fun! Happy New Year to you too!!

BOSSY: Yep, totally! I have still have crush on Bossy's Friend Geoff though ....don't tell bass player.

Andi said...

I am honored! Thanks!

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

I don't know who Emily Blunt is, but that movie was pretty funny. Kind of weird, but funny.
I like that last one. Before I lived in the city I used to live in the mountains and there were a kazillion stars. I miss it.
Thanks for visiting. I wish you a wonderful year. I will come back and read more of your blog.

JennyMac said...

LOVE your list of things you love..

Snow skiing. Yes.
Singing in car. Double Yes.
And the Poetry Room? Let's go. That looks like nirvana.

Thank you so much for listing me as one of your faves. Awesome way to end my day.

Laurie said...

Andi: Of course!

Something Happened: Thanks for knowing what I'm talking about--am afraid my description did not do the starry sky justice. And yes, I tend toward weird funny movies which make me cry! I look forward to keeping up with you ...Happy New Year to you too!

JennyMac: You simply make me smile.

Kimberly said...

Great job!

I love singing in the car too.

I have been to that bookstore. I love the smell of books. We can't shop without the highlight being the bookstore.

Make sure you tell your bloggers you have an award for them.

Teej said...

Very handsome boys, I adore Emily Blunt, San Francisco is my forever love, and is that ferret a good snuggler?

(If so, is he for rent?)

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