I was cleaning off the counter
this morning
wondering what I might do
for Post-Note Tuesday
was confronted with this
finding the courage to "follow my bliss"
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"He takes unusual words, combines them in an unusual way, and forms them into unexpected rhythms, as if his technique as well as his subject matter were intended to expand the boundaries of consciousness. When he was reproved for the difficulty of his work, Crane explained, in a 1926 letter to Harriet Monroe, the editor of Poetry magazine, that his object was to find a logic of metaphor that would not be the logic of rational thought. This pursuit of unconscious interconnections of "emotional dynamics" working through abbreviated thoughts is different from the explained images of the Metaphysical poets; it works by sudden forced conjunctions that find their justification at deeper levels of meaning. Crane has as much complexity as any modern poet, but largely self-taught, he does not present himself as difficult and allusive; rather, his powerful speech and rhythms claim the instant response that his intricate images would seem to delay." (2)Don't feel bad if you had to read that twice. I think I've read it seven times at this point. In any case, his work! Here's some:
I will say more about Dr. Mark and Dr. Celeste in future posts--I've included them in my cast of characters--they both, especially Dr. Mark, have been a huge influence on my lifestyle and my attitude about good health ...of which I have a long way to go .....but still ......here! check them out: Coastal Chiropractic, Norfolk and Virginia Beach, VAAnyway, Dr. Mark explains that CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and quite often is shorthand for a "subscription" during the growing season (approx. May thru Sept) to a weekly infusion of fresh, locally-grown, organic (in most cases), delicious, seasonal produce from a local farmer. So I was lucky and was able to receive a subscription last spring (they typically fill up fast) and Thing One, Thing Two, & I ate fresh veggies & fruit 'til they were flying out of our ears, all summer! I was grateful to Dr. Mark for tipping me off and to my new favorite organic farmers Rick & Janice of Mattawoman Creek Farms.
Thing One and Thing Two were indeed subjected to kale soup last year. To their credit, they both tried it without much arm-twisting but even I had to admit, I need to tweak that recipe. There is an art to southern-cooking and I need some art classes!
Almost as a gift, I've recently stumbled upon a supremely well-written, supremely inspirational, supremely "human" blog; yes about writing, but more about life. I asked Julie Roads of "Writing Roads" for her permission to reference her today and to link to one of her recent posts. It offers a profound perspective. Thank-you Julie for graciously sharing and for introducing us to our future-selves: Do Unto Yourself, Would'ja? A Lesson In Decision Making
PS--btw that is a distinct trend I've noticed. Serious posts beget far fewer comments than lighthearted posts. Which is completely ok. For me too, it's easier to comment on silly stuff.So my focus may seem out-of-focus at times. But I promise I will never forget that I'm writing about taking chances, ok?
Haiti-to-909993) My friend died.
dear kathleen4) I broke-up with boyfriend Steve. Who I still love. There! I said it!!
Heartbroken Cartoon Saturday
Dumb Blogger keeps removing this post due to copyright infringement issue. I have to guess at what they're offended by--then I fix--then they keep having cow over said "issue". If they would only tell me exactly what they're having a coronary over I would gladly oblige. Look for link to this post in the future if Blogger & I can ever get on the same page. (darn it! ....it's a good post too)5) Ex and I continue to be co-dependent and dysfunctional (Alisa--notice how I include myself in this diagnosis?). So I am in the process of re-defining relationship with Ex because we do have Thing One & Thing Two together and we were married twenty years and (as I've told many of my friends) even though I'm nauseous over how many roses are coming up in his life, I don't exactly wish him death either. But it's difficult to change your relationship with someone. The "someone" usually doesn't like it. (The Dance of Anger, anyone? great book on this subject. should read if you have any relationships)
He's loves to "confide" in me occasionally, certain aspects of his love-life. Which is simultaneously gross and front-row-seat-at-a-train-wreck--ish. I can't help but be rapt over the second aspect. The first aspect I could live without. But therapist has convinced me that neither aspect is good for me. Ohhh .....if only I didn't Blog With Integrity .......the stories I could tell ........6) Certain extremely close family members (as in parents)(as in both) have been diagnosed with several, separate, serious medical conditions and have undergone serious procedures these past few months. Despite this, they are strong and independent and have not needed any help from me. And despite this, I am sad.
My current part-time job at an accounting firm (in which I am simply an administrative assistant but which has gotten me through the past 3 years beautifully) is a great job. But there is no full-time position available and plus a writer in an accounting firm is rather a square peg ........I need to get seriously job searching. Now. And I need this blog to blog about it. And my boss reads my blog (well he knows about it anyway ....). If you haven't added 2+2 yet, let me break it down another way: Me looking for another job + Boss reading about said job search=Uncomfortable atmosphere at work. Or =Me-no-even-part-time-job-anymore.All is well though. I've recently spoken to fabulous boss (hi Pat!) about my need to find a full-time position that is both professionally and financially rewarding. And he completely understands. So now I can agonize about it here all I want! I'll bet you can't wait .....
Don't ask me how this affected my blog writing. But it did.9) Experienced Thing-One's first heartbreak with him. I never realized how heartbreaking it is when your child is heartbroken.
Honestly, this seriously set me back. Of course I won't blog about it (any more than this). Thing One is my most loyal reader. (hi Thing One!) Btw, isn't that dear of him?10) Did I mention I lost faith in myself? I just ......did. Despite my frequent ditzi-ness, I'm also kinda anal and perfectionistic and decidedly not ditzi. And .....I AM A WRITER. As such this blog is that seed I'm nurturing. My standards for my craft are high yet I'm the first to say I'm not "there" yet in the craft. I've got much to learn and skills to hone.
So please forgive the occasional "dumb", "less than inspiring", "huh?" post. And forgive my occasional "absences". I know my Gemini-self well--both will happen occasionally. Please have faith in me when I've apparently lost faith. I will eventually find it again. I will always come back.Oh duh! 11) I work in an ACCOUNTING FIRM and it was TAX SEASON!
(OMG and the literal thousands of parallels to ex-boyfriend musician Steve are literally hysterical starting with when he stumbles out of his beat-up thirty year-old Suburban after a long drive between gigs, with his pants and belt buckle undone .....and ending with when I ask him from my nice little suburban house in Virginia which hotel he's in while he's on the road and he answers he has no idea what f***ing hotel he's in, "Hell I don't even know what f***ing town I'm in!").....so after watching Crazy Heart, I realize I should have totally soaked up every bit of country music in Nashville while I had the opportunity. Nothing like being country music serenaded while staring down hard times. I should have totally been there.
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